BlindButNot Fundraising Efforts
A large part of my mission at Blind But Not is to give back to the Pug Rescues and organizations that do such a fabulous job. Since I started Blind But Not back in 2015 I have raised money in $1000 increments for various rescues around the United States, UK and Canada.
As of January 2025 I have donated
When I started I only made little dog scarves and for years donated 100% of the funds raised to rescues. During Covid I decided to fulfill a dream and actually open a small business making and selling dog blankets and other fun, dog related accessories. I opened an Etsy shop and while I continue to donate 100% of sales of scarves to rescue I also donate 10% of everything else I make in addition!!
The Rescues I have donated to so far are:
(some I have donated to multiple times)
- Pug Rescue of Florida & Georgia
- Pug Rescue of Austin
- Compassionate Pug Rescue
- Bluegrass Pug Rescue
- Pug Rescue of New England
- MOPS pug rescue
- Pug hearts
- Buffalo Pug Rescue
- Pug Nation LA
- Midwest Pug Rescue
- Nashville Pug Rescue
- Pugsugottasave
- Pugalug Pug Rescue
- Tiny Paws Pug Rescue
- Wyoming Pug Rescue
- San Diego Pug Rescue
- Morris Animal Foundation
- Live Like Roo
- Pug Hotel
- Vintage Pugs
- Rusty Pug Retirement Home
- Pug Rescue of Northern California
- Dallas Fort Worth Pug Rescue
- Pug Pals
- Pug Rescue of Korea
- Bubblebecca Pug Rescue
- DFW Pug Rescue TX