Currently raising $1000 for Pug Hotel

About Blind But Not

Back in July 2015 We rescued our 2nd pug from Pug Rescue of Florida. Spanky. We wanted to help an older pug that was down on his or her luck and needed a safe place to live out their Golden Years. We saw Spanky on the Rescue’s available page and fell in love. Spanky was approximately 11 years old and totally Blind.

We fell in love with him from day one and over the months he built up such a rapport with Chris that he started to run on the leash and run from me to Chris in nice open spaces. What a brave boy!

Paying It Forward

We were so grateful to Pug Rescue of Florida for trusting us with Bodie and Spanky that we wanted to do a little something to raise money for them and pay it forward.

I decided to teach myself to knit little dog scarves! Once I could knit one without multiple mistakes I started to sell them to pug friends!

My goal at that point was to raise $1000 for Pug Rescue of Florida as a thank you.

The scarves were popular and I quickly reached my goal! At this point I decided to keep going and choose a different rescue every time I made it to $1000!! It’s been quite an adventure!! I still knit the scarves and donate 100% to rescues!!

I also have an Etsy shop now and make all kinds of dog (pug-centric) products! I love coming up with new items to sell and love having my own small business.

Blind But Not became a full time venture for me as Covid hit in 2020.

The Charities We've Helped Along the Way